Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sunday Fun Day!

Sundays are most commonly known for relaxation and refueling to prepare for the hectic week to come. Most families come together, share stories, go to mass or share a meal together. This is where they reconnect to each others lives and mourn the week to come. Not in my family!

Because of my mother and grandmother, we consider Sundays to be the best day of the week! My mother and grandmother get together and prepare a fabulous meal. Aside from the delicious food sitting in our bellies they also make their signature Sunday cocktail, the Cuban Island. My family and I call it the start to Sunday Fun Day!

The cure to Sunday blues:

The Cuban Island Cocktail:

3/4 oz Vodka
1/4 oz Contreau
3/4 oz White Rum
3/4 oz Lemon Juice

Shake well over ice cubes in a shaker, strain into a chilled cocktail glass, and serve

This drink is very simple to make no matter what kind of bartender you think you may be. Because it is so easy to make it could be used for any major event! Since the moment I could consume alcohol this is the only drink I have. It leaves you without a hangover and is very soft on the stomach. I'm not a fan of drinks that burn like gasoline down the throat. If you are into a drink every once in a while then give this one a shot, or atleast a glass!

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